In Myrica groups, we are looking for such workers as described below.

How to become an English teacher in Osaka

Required job
  1. foreign English teachers for kids
  2.  foreign system engineers
  3.  foreign actors or actresses
What kind of people we need
  1. We need people who can teach English to elementary school children.
  2. We need system engineers who can construct Web pages or systems that can expand our business.
  3. We need actors or actresses who can work for commercials or TV productions. It is a registering system and those who have applied for our offer will be registered instantly and they will have to wait until offers from companies or TV programs come. You can register yourself free of charge. So don’t hesitate to get registered.

    ※ Working visa or Japanese nationality is necessary. Or we can help you get working visa if you are from America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or England.

Where you will work in our school which is located just in front of Ibarakishi Station of Hankyu line in Osaka on the fourth floor in Nakamura building

in the case of actors or actresses, anywhere in Japan where they offer jobs

Who we are We run cram schools for high school students and English classes for elementary school children. We make many teaching products and sell them by marketing and through the Internet.
How we reward you English teachers are rewarded with 3,000 yen to 4,000 yen per hour according to their career experiences.
System engineers are rewarded with 2,000 yen per hour plus some awards when benefits are made.
Actors and Actresses will be paid according to the payment standard of the companies who offer jobs.
Working hours English teachers are to work every week on fixed dates and hours. We will decide your working hours according to the demands of students.
How to apply Please e-mail us your resume.Or you can send your resume to our work place by mail.
Where you should send your resume E-mail:

address: Zip code: 567-0817 Nakamura Building, Betsuin-cho 4-20, Ibaraki-shi, Osaka, Japan

If you have questions Please ask us any questions through e-mails.